You don't have to be a writer to justify being a member of Psychfic. It is actually beneficial to you, as a reader, to become a member. Here are some benefits to becoming a member of Psychfic:
Signed Reviews-You can sign your reviews, instead of having your review signed as Anonymous.
Comment on News Items- You would be able to comment on the News updates of the site. Share your input and opinions!
Site Polls- You'll be able to participate in the site polls.
Favorites-By being a member you can add Authors and Stories to your favorites. Once a story or author is added to your favorites, you will be sent an email whenever that author adds a new story or when your favorite stories are updated.
Author Review Response- You will be sent an email when an author has responded to your review.
So, it really is beneficial to the avid Psychfic reader to become a member. And who knows? You may be inspired to write a Psych story one day!
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