Reviews For 2018 Psychfic Awards Ceremony!
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Reviewer: harakiri Signed [Report This]
Date: October 04, 2018 6:36 pm Title: And the Winner is...
Author's Response: Well, there might be sweat involved, you just can't see it. XD But thank you!! Usually I let it just kind of stew in the back of my head all year and then something comes to mind when I sit down to work on it. :) Thank you for the review; it makes me happy that you enjoy these so much! And congrats again on all the awesome writing!!
Date: October 04, 2018 6:36 pm Title: And the Winner is...
Okay, so do you just have a little black book with Award Ceremony story ideas because it never ceases to amaze me how you just write 5k-ishof these every year without breaking a sweat.
Well done as always, thank you very much! :D
Author's Response: Well, there might be sweat involved, you just can't see it. XD But thank you!! Usually I let it just kind of stew in the back of my head all year and then something comes to mind when I sit down to work on it. :) Thank you for the review; it makes me happy that you enjoy these so much! And congrats again on all the awesome writing!!
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